
August 1995   Newsletter for The San Luis Obispo County Four Wheel Drive Club

Editors Corner:

August and were still waiting for the snow to melt. I just talked with Dick H. of the Four Wheel Drive Club of Fresno. The Fresno Club opens and maintains several of the Sierra Trails. They had their Swamp run this weekend. He said they were not able to go any farther than Swamp meadow, but the weather has been Real warm. He says there might be a slim possibility of the trail being open-bbbut that's in three weekend's?. Real slim-even if the snow melts enough they will still need to go in and clear the trees before we can go in. However Red Lake was opened last weekend and there planning to open Coyote Lake this weekend (Aug. 12th) SO the good news is that Coyote WILL be open!-Bad news, I'd say maybe Swamp next month.

Hey! Have you ordered your T-shirts? They're going fast-see ad

Also if you haven't got your membership card contact Dave H.


General Meeting: 8/2/95 MINUTES

  1. Good turnout, introductions, then the minutes were read by Bill Stubbs.
  2. Report on the Jeepers Jamboree by Brian T.. Many SLO 4-Wheelers showed up: Steve/Marty G. Tom E., Greg B., Dave H., Brian/Jennell T., Bill/Reyna J., Jim K., and Gene B. (did we miss anyone?). Brian flew the SLO 4-Wheelers banner on the Rubicon. Steve broke on the first rock, Larry P. rolled, Paul B. broke an axle, Indiana Bill lead a 4 hour forced march hike, and everyone had a great time.
  3. Bill J. knows a guy who could lead a SLO 4-Wheelers group through the Moab next year.
  4. Swamp Lake run still scheduled for Aug. 26/27. Coyote/Swamp trails are still closed due to lingering snow. Trail Boss Bill J. will go early (Weds), inspect conditions, and report back to Randy P. Randy will lead one group from Players Restaurant Friday night, leave promptly at 6:00 PM., some are leaving Fri. Morning. The group will then meet together at Swanson Meadows Saturday at 8:00 AM.
  5. Don M. reported that the SLO 4-Wheelers have been initiated into the CA4WDC. Information packets will follow.
  6. Mark B. drafted letters to the 2 local Congressional Representatives requesting that they repeal the Endangered Species Act. Mark provided letters for everyone to sign and mail.
  7. Don reports that the truck show at Madonna is off for this year.
  8. Reyna J. took T-shirt orders - the deadline is August 15th. HURRY!!!
  9. Decals: Dave H. stopped by PJ's Top shop and the guy is still dragging his feet. Dave's gonna kick booty. Dave suggested that new memberships be increased to $30 so the NEW decals can be included. This will be added to the agenda for the next meeting.
  10. Randy P. discussed the recent CCORE meeting. There was discussion about introducing Condors into certain areas, and will be discussed at a public meeting in SLO within 3 weeks. (CONTACT Randy if your interested) Also, Randy volunteered to BBQ Tri-Tips on Sat. August 19th. while installing a picnic table on Garcia Ridge. Someone is needed to haul the table, and provide concrete and logs. Water Wars to follow.
  11. Don asked that the newsletter be mailed early so everyone can get an updated schedule.
  12. Randy used his cool display board to develop a project list which will be voted into a priority list at the next general meeting.
  • 50/50 Raffle winner was Gary/Sheri P., who won $39, and gave back $15 to the club. The club made $39
    Submitted by Bill S..

    FRANK R.


    The SLO 4-Wheelers club scrap book needs pictures of these events:

    Send them to Kathy or bring them to a meeting.

  • New! All Sidekick Videos available!

    SLO County 4WD Club

    Garcia Ridge

    Adopt -a- Trail

    Sat., August 19th

    Bring your own drinks, side dish to share, chairs Hand tools

    Meet At B P Gas Station Santa Margarita 9:00 BBQ to be at our newly installed picnic table

    Bring Lots o Water and something to share it with (squirt gun balloons Etc. Theme- Water Wars II)

    Tri-Tip BBQ, plates, utensils and napkins will be there to enjoy after the work is done

    Trailboss Randy P.

    FYI Adequate INSURANCE?

    I'm passing this along because I thought some of you might have the same assumption as I had. In talking to a friend in Fresno recently I learned that their home had burnt. Which in ii self is tragic (stuff like that always seems to happen to the nicest people). Though thankful that no one was hurt and that their home will be rebuilt they learned that their home owners insurance won't cover their "bought new in '67" CJ5 or their sons '60 CJ5. Both were in the garage where the fire started. The 60 was in the midst of being worked on so it was not running. Though neither carried fire insurance on the rigs I thought anything on your personnel property was covered. Better look at my policies-I've dropped policies cause I knew my rig was going to be on blocks for awhile in the patio.

    Our prayers to"Daddy Rabbit", Barbara & FAMILY. -M.A.B.

    SLO County 4WD Club

    T SHIRTS!!!

    Any size.

    $11.00 each (includes tax)


    ~Order by August 15th~*

    SLO 4-Wheelers T-Shirt

    Order form

    Sizes S, M, L, XL
    Quantity Size Cost $
    Quantity Size Cost $
    Quantity Size Cost $

    Total enclosed $

    Send to:

    Reyna J
    *T-shirt note. As the club color is unofficially gray those of you who want a different color or wish to have jackets/hats or whatever made must order & pay on your own AFTER the August date, You may order (w/ club membership card) at The Sign Outlet


    Uncle Marks Trail Wonders or, When you don't have a spare vehicle back at camp or a trailer to tow it home on, What you might put in your toolbox. This is the place I've seen some of the most unlikely stuff used in trail repairs. Know you've got some. Send em in (Lies & Other Stories acceptable)

    Trailside welding without a welder?

    I was reading one of the offroad mags the other night, and there was on oblique reference to (I think) someone doing some on-trail welding using just the vehicle battery. Basic Question: Is this feasible (or even possible)?

    Yes, it is. I have witnessed this twice on the Rubicon. A club member broke a leaf spring, near the eye, in Big Sluice. We met a fellow traveler in Rubicon Springs that had a complete kit for this purpose. He had a leather hood w/eye shield that rolled up like a bag. In the "bag" were two short battery cables and one longer set with a welding rod holder on one end and a ground clamp on the other. We removed three batteries, hooked them up in series (with the short cables), and did the deed. We used the shortest leaf in the pack as a patch. He also had a small rod holder with a selection of rods. He recommended "missile rod". which I believe has a high nickel content. (5150 comes to mind as the rod number, but that may be wrong). Our buddy, who happened to BE a welder by trade, did the work and said it burned hot, but worked a hell of a lot better than he would have ever guessed. He got out fine, the spring held very well. We were told that you could weld until you could not get an arc and the batteries would still start the vehicle. Fortunately we did not have to test this theory.

    The second time I came across a repair in progress at the base of Cadillac Hill. An older CJ had total frame rail separation under the driver's seat. They had connected two batteries with jumper cables. Another set of Jumper cables was used for welding leads. Vice-grips clamped the stick to the hot cable. It did not seem to be working well for them, but only two batteries...The best part of this was that they couldn't get the frame ends back together, so they bridged the gap with Craftsman end wrenches and welded them to the frame on either side of the gap. If he got out, I'll bet they are still welded down there.

    (Stolen From the NET by Randy P.)Written by Brian M.

    End of Aug. 1995 edition of the SLO 4-Wheeler

    Edited for your web viewing pleasure.Omissions due to editing happen. For actual content see The SLO 4-Wheeler newsletter and the Great job Jenni has done in its original format. As newsletters are added to this site note: they are for referral and interest - for actual notices/dates turn to your OFFICIAL SLO 4-Wheeler newsletter. Contact trailboss for event that your interested in. This has been a test.