Jan 6th - SLO 4-Wheelers General Club Meeting- Players Pizza, Atascadero Wednesday 7pm and new board member elections!
Jan 8th or 9th After meeting Run: To Be Determined at the meeting
Jan 15th-17th Winter Fun Festival.
see for more details. California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs (CAW4DC) annual Event.
Jan 29-31st Roughneck Rendezvous Off-Road Geocaching Adventure/Ocotillo Wells
We will be participating in this event next month at Ocotillo Wells and would like to invite y'all. There are plenty of trails, lots of room for camping, and it sounds like a great time. We will probably get there a few days ahead of time and will leave a few days after the event ends.
Roughneck Rendezvous Off-Road Geocaching Adventure
Contact/trailboss: Suzy J. [email protected]
Feb 3rd - SLO 4-Wheelers General Club Meeting- Players Pizza, Atascadero Wednesday 7pm
Feb 6th or 7th After meeting Run: To Be Determined at the meeting
Contact/trailboss: Eric F. [email protected]
Run cancelled to due to Event being held at park
Feb 19th-21sth Cal 4 Wheel Convention
California Association of 4WD Clubs' annual convention. The CA4WDC 4 Wheel Drive Expo and Trade Show (convention) held at
the Doubletree Hotel, 2001 Point West Way in Sacxramento. Hospitality, dinner/awards banquet, vehicle show, and manufacturer displays.
more info Convenvtion 2010
Contact/trailboss: Suzy J. [email protected]
March 3rd - SLO 4-Wheelers General Club Meeting- Players Pizza, Atascadero Wednesday 7pm
March 13th - Pine Mountain, after meeting Run:
This also will be a trail maintenance day as Pine is also one of adopt a trails.the plan is to run the trail all the way to the steps. Repair, inspecting along the way. We will be cutting back the brush at the top near the steps. Bring shovels, brush cutting tools (saws, loppers, hedge cutters etc) also may want to bring gloves & eye protection.
Meeting time and place is Saturday March 13th 9.00am La Panza campground. Bring a lunch, snacks drinks what ever you need, as this will most likely run into the afternoon.
Contact/trailboss: Eric F. [email protected]
March 26-28th Calico Camp-Out with The Sons of Thunder 4x4 Club.
Contact/trailboss: Eric F. [email protected]
April 7th - SLO 4-Wheelers General Club Meeting- Players Pizza, Atascadero Wednesday 7pm
April 3rd or 4th After meeting Run: To Be Determined at the meeting but for APRIL....
Randy P. Will be trailbossing to lead us out to our adopted trail Garcia Ridge for some much needed brush work...Plans are to spread this over several weekends. Also plant tables at trails end, retaining wall, ect below the tree.
- April 10,11
- April 17, 18
- April 24, 25
I hope we can get the trail in good enough shape so all can drive their rigs to the end without any pin striping, for our Annual Spring Club BBQ in May, Including planting a new 'SLO4Wheelers Adopted Trail sign' on the way into the BBQ.
Plan on making at least one if not more of these planned work days..
Contact/trailboss: Randy P. [email protected]
April 30th-May 2nd -"Ghost of the" Molina Ghost Run:
Annual CA4WDC event to be held at Hollister Hills SVRA Upper Ranch near Hollister, CA.
Runs include a Saturday run with one locker required that includes harder trails and obstacles, a Saturday run with no lockers required and easier trails, and a Saturday SUV run. Registration is $50 per vehicle for members, or $60 per vehicle for non-members and includes one run on Saturday, one dinner, a dash plaque, and one raffle ticket.
 more info CAW4DC Molina 2010
Registration online Molina 2010 registration
Contact /trailboss: OPEN
May TBD - SLO 4-Wheelers Spring Fling BBQ and trail runs.
Tentative-Annual BBQ generally held late April early May
Contact/trailboss: OPEN
May 5th - SLO 4-Wheelers General Club Meeting- Players Pizza, Atascadero Wednesday 7pm
May 8th - After meeting Run: Pine Mtn. local day run.
Contact/trailboss: Kirk M. [email protected]
May TBD -( Into June now) Piru Creek 4x4 trail
Dan G. is planning a tentative trip up Piru Creek as weather allows;
Note; mentioned at the May meeting that the road to allow us access to the Piru Creek 4x4 trail is still closed. The ranger didn�t expect the gate to be unlocked any sooner than the third week in May. If it rains, the gate unlocking will be further delayed. When we have access, I�ll get the word out and put the trip together and talk to John J. about getting access from Hwy 58 to Hwy 166. Stay tuned
Contact/trailboss: Dan G.[email protected]
May 28th-31st - Hi Desert Round-Up -Memorial Day Weekend
Annual CA4WDC "Hi Desert Round-up" is a fund raising event for California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs Inc. The event is four days of off-roading, games, food and fun. The Hi Desert Round-up takes place in Stoddard Valley, about 10 miles south of Barstow California, off Highway 247. It is a popular fun-filled getaway weekend for singles, couples and families who enjoy camping, four-wheeling, playing games, winning prizes and just going out to relax away from the city. The terrain is from sandy to extremely rocky, from flat washes to monster hills so be prepared for some great four-wheeling fun.
 more info CAW4DC High Desrert Roundup 2010
Registration online High Desert Round 2010 registration
Contact/trailboss: Randy P. [email protected]
June 2nd - SLO 4-Wheelers General Club Meeting- Players Pizza, Atascadero Wednesday 7pm
June 5th - After meeting Day Run: Over HunterLigget to the coast.
Bring a lunch water etc and a full tank of fuel. Easy scenic run, may explorer along the Ridge,
Will end up on Hi 1. North of Cambria to head home. This will take most of the day
Meeting in Paso Robles Hwy101&41/46, 9:00 Sat morning, earlier if you want to have breakfast..
Contact/trailboss: Randy P. [email protected]
June 5th - Miller Lockwood Jeep trail
This is a Sons of Thunder Club run. Eric will be leading our group with the Sons of Thunder up Miller Jeep Trail Saturday. Some will do the complete trail as a day run. Others will camp at the at the base of Miller (half way in) and climb Miller Sunday. Sons of Thunder meeting at Flying J in Lebec off the I5 at 8.00am Sat. Leave for trail at 8.30am.
Eric is planning on going down Friday June4th, staying at the Flying J motel overnight and doing Miller as a day run. Contact/trailboss: Eric F. [email protected]
June 26th - Night run. Burn out trail and Las Chichas.
Will be a full moon night run. Meeting at Red Hill road and Hwy 58. 7:00pm.
Contact/trailboss: Eric F. [email protected]
July 7th - SLO 4-Wheelers General Club Meeting- Players Pizza, Atascadero Wednesday 7pm
July 24th -CANCELLED
August 4th - SLO 4-Wheelers General Club Meeting- Players Pizza, Atascadero Wednesday 7pm
August 4th-8th -Sierra Run-dates to be finalized
Base camp off of Mckinley Grove Rd. (tow rigs, campers, motor home etc, yer tent). Plans are doing Bald MT., Swamp lake, and hope over to Coyote or Red lake.
Contact/trailboss: Eric F. [email protected]
August TBD - Club Run - SLO 4-Wheelers Annual Coyote Lake Run- .
Generally mid August
Contact/trailboss: OPEN
Sept. 1st - SLO 4-Wheelers General Club Meeting- Players Pizza, Atascadero Wednesday 7pm
Oct 6th - SLO 4-Wheelers General Club Meeting- Players Pizza, Atascadero Wednesday 7pm
Oct, 9th - Pine Mountain, after meeting Run:
the SLO 4 Wheelers Saturday run after the meeting is Pine Mountain .Sat Oct 9Th.
Meeting for breakfast at Tina's on El Camino Real in Santa Margarita at 8.00am.. leaving for trail at 9.00am. for those not wanting breakfast meet at Tina's around 8.45. we will be leaving for Pine Mountain around 9.00am.
Bring a lunch and plenty of alcohol please while on the trail. we will be taking Pozo rd up the summit and will make a stop at La Panza camp ground for a rest room break and on up to queen bee to pine mountain.
Contact/trailboss: Eric F. [email protected]
Nov 3rd - SLO 4-Wheelers General Club Meeting- Players Pizza, Atascadero Wednesday 7pm
December 1st - Christmas Party 2010 - @Players Atascadero 7:00
Annual Christmas Party dinner. Gift exchange, food donations (and club meeting). LOT of fun, see ya there!
Contact/trailboss: Florence S. [email protected]
December 3rd - After Meeting Run-San Luis Obispo Christmas Parade-
This Event is a lot of FUN. Decorate your rig and/or slap on a couple strings of lights and come join Us. Contact Kirk for details
Contact/trailboss: Kirk R. [email protected]
If you have any questions or events/local runs/not so local runs you would like to do and/or participate in, please contact fellow SLO 4-Wheelers via the clubs email list or attend the meetings! Its where we plan most our runs and events
Don't forget! Send details on your scheduled /impulse SLO 4-Wheeler event if you want it on the calendar!
Email: Mark [email protected]