Debbie K. has volunteered to jump into the drivers seat of "The SLO 4Wheeler" newsletter. This will be a first time adventure for me to be an editor of a newsletter so I welcome all the comments, help, and suggestions from everyone. So with your patience and articles submitted to me we'll do the trails together. Debbie K.
A big thank you to Brian and Jennell for all their hard work to
make the Vehicle Show come off without a hitch. Saturday 9/20/97
at the Atascadero Lake Park turned out to be a beautiful day to
have the show.
We had 2 big winners of the day Mark B who walked
off with the green sweatshirt, (the one that everyone wanted)
and the trophy for the category "Trail Ready" and Brian
TD won "Show and Go" and with no competition in sight
the distinction of owning the "Ugliest" vehicle (AKA
Gray Trash). "Money Pit" went to Ray M. and "Sport
Utility to Tom C.
Raffle prizes were donated by Ted Miles Jeep/Eagle. Jennell
served some great hamburgers, chicken sandwiches, chili, and ice
cold drinks, Kathy P and AvaNette Z were in charge of registration.
Mark B. did a wonderful display promoting SLO 4WD Club. The highlight
of the event was the RTI ramp with Tom C. certifying a variety
of types of vehicles.
A fun day in the park was had by all who
Address change?? Not receiving newsletter??
Contact Membership with address & phone # changes! If you don't get a newsletter contact newsletter editor and you'll get one ASAP, - but you still need to contact membership as that's where mailing addresses are maintained! Cause if you don't let us know -you STILL wont get it!
The SLO4-Wheelers would like to thank Ted Miles for the invitation to share in the fun, on Cruz-Nite. We had a few members get together at Ted Miles Jeep Eagle. We all kicked back, ate some food, and watched the festivities, of Cruz-Nite. some of the member ventured out to the street to Cruz El Camino Real, with all the other car buffs. Quite a few people dropped by to chick out the 4x4's from our club, parked on Ted's Jeep Dealership.
After a few hours, almost all who attended were ready to challenge the streets and head for home. then the infamous suggestion for a Night-Run to Pozo, I seem to recall it was Mike Jr., who started the whole idea. So....our small group of Die-Hard Wheelers proceed to Garcia Ridge. Mike Jr. and passengers, Randy and Kathy, Jim & Cindy, Richard & Debbie, Whitney & I.
On the way, just North of Santa Margarita, we ran into some crazy guy with a gray primer Jeep. He proceeded to taunt us with his 360 powered CJ-5. And drove off at some speed well over the posted speed limit.
Well to shorten things up
we arrived at Garcia Ridge, and it was already very late. We headed
out almost half way, and I pulled off the trail for a break, and
check out the view. Then I noticed everyone else thought it was
a good idea, and it became Garcia Ridge parking lot. After some
jaw jacking, everyone decided it best to turn back and call it
a night. Except Mike Jr. he already started up the trail again,
so I decided to stay and finish the trail.
All went well, it was really kind of weird as the marine layer rolled in, it looked
like the ocean, as we headed out. The moon was pretty bright,
not full, but just a nice evening out in Pozo.
Be thinking of members you would like to nominate for the upcoming elections in January.
offers a 15% discount on all automotive parts
(& 10% off accessories like hats)
to club members who present their 1997 Membership Card!
Ted Miles Jeep/Eagle
7380 El Camino Real
Atascadero 466-2411