
October 1997   Newsletter for The San Luis Obispo County Four Wheel Drive Club
Editor Debbie K.


Address change?? Not receiving newsletter??

Contact Membership with address & phone # changes! If you don't get a newsletter contact newsletter editor and you'll get one ASAP, - but you still need to contact membership as that's where mailing addresses are maintained! Cause if you don't let us know -you STILL wont get it!


for being SLO 4 Wheelers Newsletter Editor
Job Well Done!


Associate member Ted Miles Jeep

offers a 15% discount on all automotive parts
(& 10% off accessories like hats)
to club members who present their 1997 Membership Card!

Ted Miles Jeep/Eagle

7380 El Camino Real

Atascadero 466-2411


Mark B. See By-Laws Article II Purpose and Aims
Can't think of any more reasons why someone might join a club. Well maybe just hanging out with other folks who are as obsessed with their rig or who just enjoy gettin out as much as I do. Maybe the social part and the good times that are always had at our events. Heck, even the meetings usually bring a chuckle or two. How about the good feeling of being able to help in an activity or a fellow member who's broken, or when you're on the receiving end and there's someone to lend a hand. Or having folks who will sit all ears and listen to more tall tales. Maybe its that this club still seems to have the biggest welcome mats around and is still open to everyone. Maybe just being associated with one of the greatest groups of people around and witnessing at every opportunity genuine interest in each others opinion and respect for each others interest. Or possibly just lots of 4-wheelin.
Well, I can't seem to nail it down and I'm running out of room. All I know is this club has it. And if you're a member you're the reason why.
So if you know someone-Get Em to Join!
And don't forget to renew by January 1, 1998.

End of October 1997 edition of the SLO 4-Wheeler

Edited for your web viewing pleasure.Omissions/errors due to editing happen. For actual content see The SLO 4-Wheeler newsletter and the Great job our new editor Debbie has done in its original format. As newsletters are added to this site note: they are for referral and interest - for actual notices/dates turn to your OFFICIAL SLO 4-Wheeler newsletter. Contact trailboss for event that your interested in. This has been a test.