Though our interests are using OHV's to visit our favorite trail or tackle a new route or to picnic at a scenic spot along one of the back roads of our public lands, you don't have to own an OHV. (But to enjoy the trail they do come in handy)
If you have a fully prepared OHV we attend runs from Panamint to the Rubicon. Past runs include The Dusy, Coyote Lake, Rubicon, Panamint (with a few braving Panamint City), and others.
Milder runs include campouts over Hunter Ligget, Carrizzas Plains, Visits to State OHV parks, Shaver Lake area, Rockfront and others.
So there's plenty of opportunity to campout along serious trails or to enjoy the wildlife and scenery on scenic day rides. Many of our runs are based so that campers can make base camp and enjoy the social aspects of the club. We also are involved in trail maintenance and conservation projects.
But if you only wish to support an organization that works to keep our public lands OPEN we also have a place for YOU.
Probably my attempt to clarify has confused but I encourage you to attend one of our meetings, accompany us out on the trails & JOIN the SLO 4-Wheelers.
The name of this organization shall be the San Luis Obispo
County Four Wheel Drive Club
This organization exists in order to bring together members for fun, family-oriented activities and enjoyment of our natural surroundings. This organization shall work to keep existing Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) trails open and create new trails. Safety and user education will be emphasized. This club will work in concert with other user groups to maintain trails, keep open trails open, organize events and any other purpose that the membership feels is necessary. This organization shall be non-profit in character.
I. Membership is open to owners of off-highway vehicles or OHV enthusiast.
II. Dues for this organization shall be $20 yearly (per family at one address). Adult family members (i.e. adult children or spouses) who wish to utilize their own off- highway vehicle at club events will pay for a separate membership. Associate membership shall be offered to interested businesses at $50.00 per year, and shall be given advertising space in the club newsletter.
III. Guests are welcome to attend club meetings. Guests may participate in events if they are sponsored by a club member, pay a $5 per event fee, and sign waiver.
IV. Dues are payable on January 1 of each year. Members who pay in the months of October, November or December will have a valid membership for those months and the following calendar year.
V. To remain in good standing a club member must pay his/her dues on or before the date of the January general meeting. CA4WDC dues are payable directly to CA4WDC. (or thru our CA4WDC Liason)
VI. The minimum age for members shall be eighteen (16) years. Each member must hold a valid driver's license and have adequate insurance coverage. Members under 18 must be sponsored by a parent or guardian.
VII. Roll bars and seat belts for each passenger are
mandatory in soft top vehicles; seat belts in hard top
vehicles. Exemptions
VIII. All members must conduct themselves in a responsible, respectable and orderly fashion at all times. The Board of Directors shall have the power to expel members for misconduct. Click here to view complete By-Laws