The SLO County 4WD Club was formed in order to bring together members for fun, family oriented activities and enjoyment of our natural resources. We also work to protect access rights to our natural resources by keeping trails open, creating new trails by working together with other user groups and maintaining existing trails through the adopt- a-trail program.
The SLO County 4WD Club is recognized by the California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs (CA4WDC). The CA4WDC is a state association that organizes four wheelers in a fight for land usage. Through it, we are recognized in Sacramento and in Washington DC on a legislative level. The association informs us of up and coming legislation that will affect four wheeling future. The CA4WDC also publishes a monthly newspaper full of information about four wheeling events and their outcome. They also sanction four wheel drive events throughout the state. As a member of the SLO County 4WD Club you may choose to also join the CA4WDC.
The club meets on the first Wednesday of every month. At the meetings we try to plan organized club runs for every month of the year. A trail boss is usually chosen to head up the run and to decide the routes to be taken to and from the event. Some of our club events have included a trip to play in the snow, a drive to California Valley to see the abundant wildflowers, a Christmas party and even an over night excursion to Hollister Hills SVRA to sleep among the wild turkeys (and of course to enjoy the great four wheeling).
I encourage you to read over our bylaws, look at the calendar of upcoming events and come to the next four wheel drive outing. Hope to see you and your family at the next general club meeting.
Brian T. Vice President 1995